[image deleted]Hey ahole....u post crap and people let u know that.... after this post u block comments on your memes u post...like ur a antifa member in a mask not. 2b responsible... ur just a pos!
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And no doubt President Trump’s approval has always been higher than what the MSM has claimed. Thing about approval ratings is they can poll anybody...including illegal aliens.
Nope, go look for yourself. Long time trusted polling company. 51%.
mmmm no. Check the death statistics. There have been almost no deaths in other categories. If you check the overall death statistics we are only about 20k more than usual for the past 10 years. Which means covid-19 only increased deaths by 20,000.
I'm not a repub or dem. I'm a constitutional libertarian. I believe everyone should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect someone elses ability to do the same. I also think a constitutional government is the way to acheive this.
Unfortunately we don't have that and haven't for decades.
Check my facts, refute them. You may change my mind.
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It's amusing that apparently NO Obama worshiper is aware that Obama started removing vast numbers of postal boxes during his administration. It's like when leftists HOWL that Trump put kids in cages when the practice began during the OBama/Biden administration . . . and back then our leftists . . . cheered.
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Since the bulk of the nation's mainstream media colluded to get Barack elected in 2008 and then again in 2012, he already had plenty of ways with which to cheat.
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CharlesHobby, never mind the deranged Libturds on imgflip. They are a small group here.
Because Presidents take turns removing mailboxes so the 'other party' won't be able to utilize them.
Think 4800 chicks dying en route to Maine farmers thanks to the Donny's USPS is bad?
Billions, yes, BILLIONS of aspiring McNuggets never made it because of the 'Kenyan'