No, I don't recall that Hannity interview, because I don't watch Hannity. Why should I, or anyone else? We know exactly what he's going to say.
On the other hand, you, StanCult, are a perfect example of how Trump controls what you see in the media, and thus controls what you think. How is it poor Stanley, to have Trump living rent free inside your head every single hour of your waking (and probably sleeping) day?
You spend all your time focused on bullshit comments he makes, when you know damn well he talks bullshit, and you fall for it every... single... time.
I've told you before, although you're too limited mentally to be able to comprehend, but it's worth mentioning again for others; watch what he does, not what he says.
But so far, it's clear all you want to do, Stanley, is parse what he says into sound bites short enough for you to be able to comprehend, then post them over and over and over... You're achieving nothing StanCult. Nothing.
If you want to complain abut what he does, then we can have an adult conversation. You may even find that I agree with you about not liking some of the things he has done. But made up bullshit from the media...? I'll call that out every single time.