I think the term social media is misleading... Anti-social media is a better term.... Which was to be expected. I've moderated several sites before social media became a big thing... Well back in the days you had MySpace, but I never used that, so I've no experience with it. Most community sites were strictly moderated then, and for good reasons... Banned quite a lot of people back then already, I tell ya. And then Facebook and Twitter came, with no moderation at all, and people did get to the worst. Insults, fake-news, etc. etc. Nothing new... All that stuff pre-dates the internet by millennia, so they should have known that a medium like that was only going to make things faster. Of course, Facebook was never meant to become as big as it became. It was just a school project to please fellow students, but it wouldn't be the first time things go viral unintendedly, that too is nothing new.
Most social media destroyed more than they enhanced. The internet seems so safe... Just hide behind a nickname and an avatar and you're invincible, right? Or at least, that's what people want to believe.
Of course, it would also be nothing new when a mistake of this proportion leads to something really great and really needed. It's to early now to say if Social Media is such a mistake that lead to something great. But up until now the cons outrank the pros by ratios that are beyond insanity. If the Social Media was the mistake that led to something good, I hope it will be very good, in order to make it up for the trouble it brought... really.