Here we go again
KTG posted this here at my suggestion: here’s the context
So I guess the overall idea here is that KTG intends to prove that cyberbullying is not a real thing by baiting folks across ImgFlip into roasting her, and then when she emerges from the fires immune and unscathed and laughing like Daenerys, she may thereby prove her superior sense of humor vis-a-vis anyone who actually recognizes that things like cyberbullying exist and cause real damage.
While she’s usually easygoing and friendly, it is ideas like this offered by me on this website that have really seemed to get under her skin, to the point she dreams up stunts like this for the sole purpose of trying to prove me wrong about the dangers cyberbullying can pose to social media culture and online discourse.
But I dunno: hurling gratuitous handcrafted insults and launching monthslong targeted harassment campaigns is just not how the vast majority of liberals operate when communicating online, even when speaking with those with whom they disagree.
For those unfamiliar with the targeted harassment campaign against me on ImgFlip, start here.
It’s been going on for months, shows no signs of stopping and has taken many twists and turns since then, with multiple other streams and gimmick accounts intended to represent my family but that is the main one as far as I know. More proof available if anyone’s interested.
I predict her effort here to stir up artificial antagonism fails (i.e. succeeds from her perspective), she declares victory and goes home.
But in the meantime, hit her with your best shot I guess if you have any interest in doing so.