Yes, I concur. There may be nothing illegal about the actual turn, however... when you're turning right on a street against a red light, you're suppose to observe your surroundings, especially civilians who may be in the crosswalk. There were a handful of those there and if he had driven a little slower, or actually stopped before turning, maybe he would've noticed them before he drove into them. We don't know why he actually stopped. We do know that he had no problem fleeing when confronted by a gun that he could not see. He could've easily have done this when he could see the protesters were armed.
Supposedly, according to the statements, Perry may have actually stopped because of Foster because he originally mistook him as a police officer or maybe a unmarked federal agent. In a split decision, Perry realized his mistake and took it upon himself to open fire.
I maintain, had he not driven aggressively into a crowd of people and been more aware of his surroundings, Foster would still be alive.