I disagree; the "protests' in Portland are the epitome of mob rule. Granted, I'm not following Portland's situation to the degree to be able to speak with certainty, but from what I've seen, once the people who are legitimately protesting go home, say around midnight, then the goon squad comes out. So to describe my characterization of them as mob rule to be laughable, seems naive at best, but more likely just ill informed.
Also, I will admit to being guilty of an assumption, and over-extending my comments based on it. As I understand it, so far the feds are only protecting federal buildings and federal property. My assumption was that what they're doing is a first step, and that (hopefully) the local authorities would come around to reason, and work with the feds to restore order in general. The mayor of Portlandia seems to have squarely put me in the 'wrong' category when it comes to that assumption, so I stand corrected.
I disagree that what the feds are doing is causing the protests to escalate. They couldn't really escalate, imo. Not the post midnight goon squad activity at least.
If Trump is banking on it, he's got a worthy adversary in Portlandia's mayor when it comes to the PR aspect. That guy had himself video'd intentionally breathing gas, albeit while being protected by armed security. I do consider that a totally punk move, but assuming the footage doesn't show his security, no doubt highly effective. And although it was a punk move, the tactic of breathing gas is what I would describe as above and beyond devotion to the cause.