It doesn't matter what name you post under, Douché, you simply cannot stop being a xenophobic, a sexist, and a misogynist, nor do you have any chance of getting your facts right.
Speaking as a born and raised American, I don't understand your constant attacks on foreigners and immigrants. Xenophobic much, Douché?
Also, you spent about ten posts the other day criticizing women for nothing more than their appearance. Misogynist much, Douché?
And of course, your constant attacks against my wife, a woman you should admire since she is not white, is an immigrant, and also a successful small business owner... everything you phony cuck liberals claim to admire, only further illustrate that you're a misogynist, and xenophobic .
Oh wait, you only admire those qualities in women who are not married to men who support Trump...
As usual, what amazes me, even though it's happened (or more accurately, not happened) 100% of the time, is that none of your liberal, woke, cuck buddies here on the flip (where are you Blue Bunny, where are you StanCult?) are critical of you for your woman hating, immigrant bashing ways.
Hypocrite much Douché?