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What is your opinion on All lives matter versus black lives matter?

What is your opinion on All lives matter versus black lives matter? | "All lives matter"; Everyone else; Black lives | image tagged in memes,epic handshake,blm | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
966 views 21 upvotes Made by anonymous 4 years ago in The_Think_Tank
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8 ups, 4y,
4 replies
I deem the term "Black Lives Matter" a bit racist. It only focuses on "black life". "All live matters" doesn't discriminate.

Now when it comes to discrimination it always comes down to "we" and "they".... "we white and they black" or vice versa. "We straight and they gay" or "We Americans and they Mexican" and yeah even in "We republican and they democrat", and so on.

In the end we all live in this little spaceship we call "Earth". Where "we" and "they" was the basis of "we the tribe, and they the other tribe" was back in the time we were cavemen essential to our survival, it appears that old instinct refuses to die even though we live in a society now where we can no longer afford to think like that.

For me being black is nothing more than a physical trait. Some people have blonde hair, others have brown hair. Some guys have chest hair and others have not. Well, some people have a white skin and others have a black skin.

And though I can understand the black standing up against racist treatment, and they are right to do so, the danger is always there that the white ones are suddenly going to be wrongly treated and the black people like saints, all out of fear for becoming racist... but in the end that is just as racist, and that is the feeling that the term "Black life matters" implies to me. "Black life matters, as well" might be a bit better in my ears. All life matters.... Let's bury that battleax, shall we?
2 ups, 4y
Very true, it's really just another physical trait like you said.
1 up, 4y
this deserves an award
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
What BLM is saying is, people don't think that black lives matter, so saying BLM is telling them that the do, not that they are the only ones that matter.
0 ups, 4y
True, yet I have seen anti-racism pushing things too far becoming racist in the process. And unfortunately I see this too now that BLM is seen everywhere. Also things are taken out of context in general. I do think that stating "Black life" this or "Black people that" is the wrong approach. You create a "we & they" kind of stetting .... "We (the black) and they (the white)"... That is what BLM more and more stands of when I hear people talk.... And "We & they" is always that cores hate in general, which includes racism. When you go to "ALM" then you speak of people in general. After all if the black want to end racism they do need the white people.... why?... Because racism ends when both black and white accept each other. "BLM" can be interpreted in a way that places black people above other races. And unfortunately, I've already seen people do this. "ALM" is clear on that point... All people... no exceptions... No other ways to interpret it.

When it comes to discrimination in general, the party to fight for must always be "all". The entire concept where there can be a "we" group, excluding a "they" group, is what discrimination is all about. This goes for ALL sorts of discrimination, which which racism is just one of the many forms. The same goes for homophobia. Gay and straight will have to accept each other. And when all Jews and all other people accept each other antisemitism can end. When all Muslims and all other people accept each other, that fights stops too.

And that's why I'm a bit against putting a group up in the way BLM does. And I've already heard some phrases from racist people who take the phrase as a threat, and using it to strengthen their believes.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I fully agree with your comment. However, the burying the battle axe thing is probably not a real good piece of imagery to end with. Not a big deal to me, but I could see how you could have someone questioning the BLM message while reading your comment, and then being turned off by the battle axe thing at the end. Slavery will never be a buried subject. I think that's okay, too. But, protesting and rioting and looting cannot go on forever.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Hmmm yeah, it's merely a literal translation of what has become an idiom in Dutch.

Slavery is for me a subject on its own actually. White slaves have also existed over time and even exist today. The fact that slavery is illegal now does not mean it doesn't exist anymore. I mean murder is also illegal, and yet it happens. It is of course true that slavery has influenced racism and vice versa. But I'd like to focus on racism most of all. Burying the battleax means that we should get over the differences and not make an issue out of them anymore. Of course, that doesn't mean the subject shouldn't be spoken of anymore. I mean Germany and the Netherlands have buried the battleax over WWII, and yet both countries still make notice of the war in history lesson... it's only (at least not on political level) not a reason to fight each other about. You get my meaning?
1 up, 4y
Yes, I understand completely. I totally agree, as well. The burying the battle axe thing just sounds to me like black people should be expected to "get over it". Trust me, that is how a lot of people would read the end of the comment in question. Again, I totally agree with the sentiment of everything you've said. Was merely stating how it came across to me when I read your comment.

4 ups, 4y
But it would only work if people are smart as Mushrooms
4 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Well, all lives do matter because every creature that draws breath deserves a chance to live. Racism is very real and evident in our culture today, so there is some validity in the statement Black Lives Matter. But that phrase is being used as a crutch, which is no okay, and All lives matter is being used as a weapon rather than a phrase of peace. So I'm going to say both phrases are valid but you won't catch me using them and picking sides, because that's just going to cause more division which is the opposite of what these statements are trying to bring about
4 ups, 4y
Couldn't agree more that all lives matter is more a weapon than a phrase peace.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Not all lives matter unless black lives matter.
0 ups, 4y
3 ups, 4y,
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I'll leave this for the people with common sense to understand
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Yet, if you say alm, you get booted from your job or school, in some cases.

And btw, 90% of black murders are commited by other black people. So maybe address that danger instead of pushing to abolish cops, which will only make things worse.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Because you're drawing attention away from a very important issue

Still, that's a huge 10%

Oh and have you realized how long it took for the cop that killed Floyd to get prosecuted?
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Oh, so all lives, which include black lives don't really matter. Just black ones.

I see. Ignore 90% and think you'll solve anything.

What? A few days? Unfortunately the idiot DA bowed to pressure and overcharged him.

Do you know cops have over a million interactions with the public a day?
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Police brutality kills more black people than white people in percentage

Look, Syd. All lives do matter and I stand for that. But if we draw attention away from people who are in danger we're directly defying God's word

It took several protests across multiple countries, several factions to join in, and literal ANONYMOUS to get that ONE CASE be solved

Of course I do. But that's still inexcusable that they tried letting a person go from actual murder

Like seriously. If a black cop shoots a white man on accident he gets prison. But a white cop kneels on a black man's throat even until after he dies only gets paid leave
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Police kill more whites than blacks every year.

Don't tell me that when you refuse to address the far bigger danger.

Which case? Who'd they try to let go?

No, Chavin was arrested for murder.

You can throw the odd isolated incidents at me but that doesn't make the whole system racist.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Are you kidding me

He was literally only prosecuted AFTER we all protested
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
You think due process is instantaneous?
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
He was already charged and punished unfairly
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Who was?
1 up, 4y
The cop. He was underpunished (I have no idea if that's a word but it's 3 AM and I don't care)
1 up, 4y
The autopsy was fake news? Really?

Kneeling is, or was, a legal tactic. Sure, it looks bad but having a knee on the side of the neck and shoulder doesn't mean air is cut off. Floyd said he couldn't breathe even before he went to the ground. The autopsy said his neck wasn't even bruised. The report on Wikipedia states he his heart stopped in the ambulance, which would mean he ws alive after he left Chauvin.

This could be an unfortunate incident where someone was having a medical emergency that wasn't taken seriously because most cops hear every excuse in the book during arrest, which still would be neglect. Or it was murder. Hopefully the trial will prove one or the other.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Under punished? He's sitting in jail on murder one. While the autopsy said Floyd died of a heart attack, not asphyxiation.
1 up, 4y
BEFORE the murder charges, Syd

There's literally a video of him kneeling on him for several minutes. It's either that was some really amazing timing, he caused a heart attack somehow, or what you got was fake news
1 up, 4y
So how did he get a heart attack? Derek Chauvin
0 ups, 4y
I thought he got charged with Murder in the 3rd degree the first time?
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
2 ups, 4y
Ahhh, should have known this was Roddy.

Ohh noes! How will they survive!!!
3 ups, 4y
I think that all lives are equally precious. BUT, I think that we are obligated to say black lives matter now of all times. The affirmation that a certain life or group of lives matter, especially during times of discrimination, is mandatory for me. So, right now, I’d prefer saying black lives matter.
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
My opinion is, if you don't support BLM, you will wrongfully be called a racist. If you say anything but "black lives matter", when discussing this topic, you will wrongfully be accused of being a racist. BLM is not inclusive of all the other races. The only real way to be totally inclusive is to use the word "all". How that word has become racist is ridiculous. My personal opinion is that BLM is explicitly racist. However, the word "racist" has little to no effect on me nowadays. Groups like BLM have used it so much, and in many situations that do not warrant it, that people are desensitized to its real meaning. BLM is all about getting revenge, anyway. Their president has said that they will "burn it all down" if they don't get what they want. What do they want? MONEY. They want a massive redistribution of wealth, from the haves to the have-nots. They don't want to work for this wealth; they just want it handed to them because they are angry. Some of the anger is legitimate, but most is made-up nonsense. All lives matter and all lives should be treated with the same amount of respect/care. But, saying that one specific race's lives matter is the very definition of inequality! How obvious could this be!!!????
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I don't see "black lives matter" as being exclusive. That's like saying the phrase "firetrucks run on fuel" implies other vehicles don't need fuel.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I think racism goes much deeper than logic. But yes, technically you are correct.
2 ups, 4y
Technically correct, yes. But in practice, it is the furthest thing from it.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
PS - I love your name. It makes me hungry. Even though I just had 5 tacos for lunch...the meal was lacking bacon!
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has thought of
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I'm worried your grill will be charged with 1st degree murder when you pass :(
1 up, 4y
1 up, 4y,
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Lol, you've never had a pork belly taco? I hope you have!
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I've actually never had pork belly done right, sadly. Had it once and it was extremely goopy and chewy at the same time, then again and it just seemed like a gob of fatty meat. Best I've had was in chicharrone form at a Colombian restaurant, it was pretty dang tasty chopped up as a topping on a torta but I'm still waiting for some good belly to come along. I saw a recipe once for pork belly burnt ends, as in BBQ burnt ends. Seeing as how I know my way around a smoker I think I may need to try that someday!
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
When it's done right, it's not goopy and only fatty. Sorry you had to experience that disgusting culinary mistake. I have too, but most of the pork belly I've had was done right. The ratio of fat to meat needs to be around 1:1 and the fat needs to have been nearly rendered. At least, that's how I've cooked it and had success. I have not done it in a smoker, but I have not had a smoker since I threw out my first horizontal smoker a few years ago. That said, I also know my way around a smoker. It's a great hobby. Some say it's too expensive, but what other hobbies do you get to feed yourself with? In my opinion, it is a very inexpensive, and sometimes even has you coming out ahead in a financial respect.
1 up, 4y,
6 replies
I usually do an assortment of seed/vein removal. I like mine pretty spicy so many times i'll just take out the main seed pod and leave whatever is left, that's good for me but my wife and many others prefer them mild so I remove all of it for those to enjoy. That's an interesting way to cook a brisket for sure, but I'm glad it worked out for you! I usually cook on 225-250F for about 4-5 hours, then wrap it in foil and continue till it hits about 200F internal temp. Then rest it for at least an hour in the cooler like you said, longer is better though. I actually got my hands on some butcher paper for this time so I'm going to try wrapping it in that instead of foil, I've heard really great things about doing it that way. Keeps the meat moist but it breathes just enough to really develop a nice crust on the outside, at least that's what I'm hoping it does. I used it on some dinosaur beef ribs not long ago and it did great and those are more or less just bone-in brisket, they cook very similarly just doesn't take as long.

I agree, I think the country has lost its mind in many ways...the 4th is the day they should be celebrating of all of them, it's when they got the freedom to say such ridiculous BS that so many do these days. My dad would kick my ass if I ever disrespected a member of the military, veteran, or law enforcement officer. I think the country needs more of that mentality honestly.

Enjoy the 4th, and your tartare! Never had it before but would love to give it a go sometime.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Yeah, it's lame that the etiquette that was once the status quo here, and enjoyed by people like us, is mainly a thing of the past. I keep saying this, but it's truly because a bunch of kids overran the site. Oh well; all good tings must come to an end at some point.
1 up, 4y
I just realized that we totally did
1 up, 4y,
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I may have served them before...never really did much cooking for the food truck I worked for...I could swear we at one point had a huge beef rib that I was unfamiliar with and was called a plate rib, which is the same as dino rib...that looks like what we had one day during my short tenure fired for missing work twice and not calling them...I was a bad employee back then. I pretty much just took orders and filled them, but I did learn some tricks from the guy who owned the truck. The best one was to have a side fire that you take hot coals from when you need to stoke the fire. Otherwise, you get an acrid smoke layer on the meat and it ruins everything. It totally changed my strategy and for the better. I have a couple very old, dilapidated Webers that I use for that now...although not really "now" because I don't have a smoker...although, I'm getting pretty good at smoking on my nice, new Weber.

I'm so hungry right now....gonna leave the office for lunch now.

I love knowing where the various cuts of meat come from. I have a nice cow and a nice pig meat cuts portrait in my kitchen, and I have others on various walls in my house. But, I've not used them enough...I'm still a bit fuzzy on where a lot of cuts come from.

I'm very tempted to smoke something next Monday when I am off work for the 4th.
1 up, 4y
You can smoke some really good stuff on a Weber kettle, nothing wrong with that! Have you ever used the coal snake method? I'm interested to know if it's just a gimmick or if it actually works. I've seen some videos about people using that and some swear it works, but I personally just don't see how you can get enough heat out of just a few coals burning at a time. I guess if you leave the lid closed it would get up to temp and just stay there.
1 up, 4y
Well, sometimes a guy's gotta talk about bbq now instead of later...and in a BLM meme comments section. All good. Nothing to see here...
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Dino ribs are the extension of short ribs...i think. Called short flats, i believe....or something to that effect. I have cooked them, almost certainly. Ive worked for a total of 1 smoke trucks, so yeah.... Good chance I didn't even know i was cooking them most times. I do spend a lot of time researching what I eat/cook tho. I used to measure calories, et al., but now the only thing I measure is weird shit like the fat content of various olive oils and other kinds of lube, lol, I mean, food lube.
1 up, 4y
I have a picture of the ones I cooked somewhere... They're in the neighborhood of the short ribs, yeah. Short ribs are from further forward on the cow, and also from the belly sections of the ribs. Dino ribs are sort of right between the shoulder short ribs and the choice back ribs just behind the shoulder. They are basically there where the prime rib is cut off and still have a big ol' chunk of that good meat still attached, sort of at the end of the prime rib where the really really good stuff is cut away...if that makes any sense whatsoever. Each rib usually weighs a full pound at least, and it's hard to not feel like a caveman eating one...or three, lol
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Huh, never thought of cooking anything in the cavity you put paper to start the chimney! I'm gonna try that sometime, maybe just to sear it. I have used a chimney to cook over , though. It's a good tailgate grill if you don't wanna deal with lugging an actual grill to a ballgame or what-have-you

Looks like I forgot to upvote about five times. I've fixed it now!

1 up, 4y
Upvotes shumpvotes...I've honestly gotten so used to nobody actually doing it that I don't even care anymore. But thanks! I'm glad someone actually still does it, that's rather refreshing to see.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I have not done that coal snake method. The only way I see it working is if you use briquettes with lighter fluid in them...the ones that you buy like that and can even just light bag on fire an d they all catch fire then. I hate briquettes, and I'm assuming you do use natural/lump charcoal, right? Or, just hardwood coals from a side fire? I doubt that this snake method works, but maybe I'll try it sometime. Have you ever put hot coals in the ash catcher and cook like that? It works pretty well for a really low heat fire. I've done it a few times for making jerky and it worked super well each time.
1 up, 4y
I prefer lump charcoal but briquettes will work in a pinch. Honestly I use more propane to cook with than anything but that's more out of convenience than anything. I haven't used the ash catcher for actually containing the coals but I see what you mean, that sounds like it would work really well for low and slow. My go-to for charcoal is good ol' indirect hot-side-cool-side cooking, and just use the vents to set the heat. I have however used a starter chimney to cook steaks with and that does pretty well actually. The heat inside the chimney is very concentrated and the meat is put so close to it either with a grate over the top just inches above the coals or you can even put your steak on a grate and sit the chimney over the top of the steak so it's right in that little "cavity" where you would put paper or a tumbleweed. Talk about a sear, that'll do it.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Yeah, I think I'll just have to cook some myself, or pick better restaurants, lol! I'm doing a brisket on the smoker this weekend for the 4th, maybe a pork shoulder too depending on how much family we have coming. I'm stoked, I'll have to post a picture of the final product when it's done!
1 up, 4y
I also have had a couple brisket flops. And yes, coffee in the rub is awesome! The guy who got me into this hobby taught me that right off the bat. And, my first brisket, is still my best. AND, I f-ed up on it by falling asleep after 15 hours, for like 3 hours, and then restarted the thing and went another 8 hours...nearly a full 24-hours at the right temp. Somehow, this resulted in the moistest, most tender brisket I've had anywhere. Oh, and I rested it in a blanket/pillow-lined cooler for like four hours. Open it up and it was still steaming hot! I prefer vinegar-based slaw, too. Creamy is okay, but many people make it too creamy for me. Slaw totally has that utility as a palate cleanser, and it is f**king delicious. Great for adding crunch and freshness to an otherwise extremely rich smoked meat sammich. Love me some good jalapeno poppers. I have friends who make a competition out of making them, so there have been times where I ate a DOZEN in a long sitting/drinking session. MUST have both cream cheese and cheddar. If you omit cheddar, they are way too creamy. Do you completely de-seed/de-vein them or leave some of the heat in there? I have a friend who makes them with all the seeds and vein in there and I cannot eat them. One of them makes me cry. He will eat a bunch of them and look completely fine. He's the ultimate heat-seeker for food. Nearly nothing phases him.

Have fun! Celebrating the wonderful country we are so lucky to live in should be a big deal to all Americans, but unfortunately, there are many out there that are looking at it like a racist holiday that needs to be "cancelled". I will honor all the fallen, retired, and active US military members and will celebrate the best country in human history!!!

I'm making steak tartare on Saturday, so I'm very excited for that. And a from-scratch, real Caesar salad. That's all I need to be content for a while.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Go***amn I'm jealous! Sorry if that offends you. I just have a dirty mouth. I grew up around masons, and they swear like sailors, lol. Every other word with them is one of the following: motherf**ker, cock-sucker (very popular), son-of-a-bitch, shit, c**t, et al. Anyhow, good luck on the brisket. It truly is the most difficult cut to hit a home run with. It's definitely my personal favorite, but I also developed a strong affinity for smoked chicken. So inexpensive and it takes smoke flavor like a blank meme template takes old, corny jokes! I hope you make some great sides - mac'n'cheese, baked beans with brisket in them, green beans glazed with bacon fat, cole slaw, cheesy potatoes. Take your pick, lol. Love pork butts/shoulders here, too. I actually smoked one on my Weber grill, using the rotisserie attachment! Yes, smoked rotisserie pork shoulder/butt! It was awesome and had a .75" thick smoke ring. I used nearly no charcoal, too! Super-duper low, and quite slow, too, lol. Go***amn, I love me some smoked meats. Nothing better.
1 up, 4y
Takes a lot to offend me, I don't swear much but it doesn't really bother me. Yeah I've done brisket in the past that has turned out phenomenal, and some that flopped. I have a coffee rub that I'm going to use on it, I've done that in the past and it has been awesome. I usually leave the sides to my wife to figure out, but the ones you listed are some of the go-to's that we prep. One of my favorites is actually a vinegar based slaw with lots of garlic in it. It's crunchy, tangy, and compliments the heavy flavors of the smoked meat very well, almost like a palate cleanser. And talk about awesome on a BBQ sandwich! I usually try to find a way to sneak in some smoked jalapeno poppers as well, stuffed with cream cheese and cheddar, then bacon wrapped. Those things taste way too good and I end up filling up on them before the meal even gets served though so gotta be careful, lol.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
I know. I’m proud of myself
2 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y
1 up, 4y,
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On its face, it certainly is not exclusive. However, in practice, it definitely is. If it were truly inclusive, the BLM organizers would not be throwing a fit every time someone says "all lives matter" or "blue lives matter" or what have you. In practice, BLM absolutely is exclusive. If BLM was more tolerant, and didn't shout everyone down who has a criticism for their movement, they'd be much better received and real progress would take place. Unfortunately, their leadership is totally inept and is bungling this situation. If BLM would not scream "racism" every time someone criticizes them, then their motto would not be exclusive.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
To me the reaction is like a starving person saying "I need food," and then getting dismissed by people replying "we all need food," rather than getting the starving guy some food.
2 ups, 4y
Even though we clearly disagree, I respect your opinion. You seem like a smart person. Upvote for you!
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I don't know that you're even in acknowledgment that people supporting BLM shout you down and call you a racist if you criticize even one little thing about the protest/movement. It's an obvious fact that this is the reaction you get when you criticize something about BLM. People are fired from their jobs, humiliated by an obviously biased press, and deemed a racist from now until the end of time. Yes, everyone needs food. Yes, people who are starving should be given food. However, when you side with the guy who says he needs food now, you are essentially saying that it's not okay for other hungry people, of a different race, to say they need food, too. Racism is not a one-way street (!!!!!) and you seem to be making the assumption that it is. Blacks are not the only people that feel the effects of racism every day. They may be hungry, but so am I and I am not giving away my food just because someone else tells me they need some of it. If I can afford to give some away to a starving person, I will. But, I'm not allocating all of my surplus food to hungry black people. Hispanics get hungry, too. Asians get hungry. Even white people get hungry, believe it or not. BLM and its affiliates need to be more open to the idea that saying "all lives matter" is inclusive of black people. If they were saying "all lives matter" instead of a very specific group within that set of all lives, and they were making it clear that the way they are being treated right now makes them feel like their lives do not matter, I think they'd have much more success getting people to buy into their movement and help create change. Right now, I get the feeling that they are further alienating the very people they need to convince to treat them equally.

Your analogy is a good one and I don't refute it entirely, but it's not as simple as you make it out to be. Your analogy, in my opinion, makes the huge assumption that only black people are feeling the effects of racism, which is obviously false. That's a huge reason why there are a lot of people who reject BLM and call for ALM.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Yeah, I disagree with almost all of that.
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I didn't expect to change your mind. You essentially made the same analogy twice, so I knew I made no progress with you when I saw it the second time (just in a different scenario). Which is fine, by the way. You're obviously not going to change your mind. I don't blame you, either. You're not changing my mind on this topic. We both feel we're correct, but the truth most likely lies somewhere in the middle. Not sure if you're willing to admit that. I certainly am.
1 up, 4y,
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If you can't respect and support the BLM movement, another option is to sit quietly and try to learn from it.
1 up, 4y,
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Here's something I've learned: there are black voices out there calling for revenge. The World Opinion Editor for the Washington Post (lol, I know), a strong, vocal black woman who has thrown her platform at BLM as a means of support and participation, eluded to the "fact" that white women, and white people in general, are lucky black people are not calling for revenge, and worse. This is not one person's view. There are many others who agree with her. Of course, BLM cannot admit that part of their set of goals is revenge. They cloak it with things like "reparations" and "supporting black business" and "hiring black talent". They do not care about equality. They care more about receiving preferential treatment. It is blindingly obvious, but I leave it to y'all utopian dreamers to believe that this is a peaceful movement with only good intentions. The only way to appease BLM is to give in to those aforementioned demands. This can only be achieved by redistributing wealth from one demographic to another. Well, that on top of further distancing ourselves from being a strictly meritorious society.

Don't tell people to shut up and listen. It is the most sanctimonious, arrogant, and bossy thing you can do when you're trying to "enlighten" someone. It does nothing for your cause.
2 ups, 4y
one of your big mistakes is in your various wrong assumptions. but again, you're hardly alone there.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
thank you for the enlightenment, Master
0 ups, 4y
Well, I certainly don't think anything I tell you or anyone else is enlightenment. You politely tell someone to sit down and shut up (sit quietly), then assume that they have something to learn because your opinion reigns supreme and they disagree with it. My guess is, you are of that demographic (namely college-age-ish people) that believes they know everything. I once too was of that demographic and thought I had it all figured out. Problem is, no one's ever had it all figured out. Some people get close, some don't. I have no idea if I'm close or ever will be. I hope you don't think you've got it all figured out, because it sure does seem like that what's going on upstairs for you.

The beauty and the horror of debate is that neither side is ever 100% correct. I hope you are at least able to admit that.

0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
your guess is wrong, lad. my college days are far behind me. i'm a cranky old fellow who gets easily frustrated with foolish people telling others the lay of the land. TwoWayMirror's post are reliably insightful and respectful (to the extent, at least, that respect is merited). when you reply to him/her as you did, in your instructive manner, it was funny but also annoying. you're part of the noise that characterizes many of the posts on this site. your kind suggestion that the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle would be a good one in some cases, but here it's just wrong. he/she is right and you are wrong. and that's ok, but you should open your eyes to the possibility of it.

if you don't want to 'shut up and listen', then get ready to be tuned out by those who can educate you.
0 ups, 4y
My eyes have never been closed to the possibility that I am wrong. But here, I am neither 100% right nor 100% wrong. I'm neither a cranky old fellow nor a young overconfident fellow. I'm a realist, and although you may laugh at that assertion, I know it to be true because I do listen, and I also watch. What I see and hear is not 100% peaceful protest. What I see and hear is not 100% fighting for equality. What I don't see is repeated and stern condemnation of the violent/racist behavior that goes on within the ranks of BLM. You go one believing this is an all or nothing situation, but you are dead wrong.
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"All lives matter"; Everyone else; Black lives