The USA has the most professional police force on the planet. There are plenty of checks and balances to identify and remove bad cops. The same corporate owned media that made all 1st responders national heroes during the lock down is now spewing hate on the people that protected us all. They are also praising and making heroes of dangerous street level thugs. You are young so I will be careful here. I have personal knowledge of what happens to countries when armed men get to make laws that they can change at will, it is not pretty. The simple act of gathering firewood means a beating, a rape and fear of tomorrow. That is the older women, the younger ones never return. American's have no clue how much evil this world holds. Think it through, how many people do you see fleeing America? People from all over the planet want in, so many that we can not possibly take them all. Ask them why they would come to such a dangerous and violent place and they will tell you of evils you know nothing about.