Back to calling them protesters I see. Very interesting. Do we have video of the CHAZ rioting yet?
What I find interesting about this situation is that they blocked off a section of the city and are shaking down people for weapons and checking their ID. The intent behind this isn't just hypocrisy but for protection against agitators who seek to turn peaceful protests to violent riots.
If no real rioting has happened, then I call that a success.
Again, I do not view these people as heroes. I don't think this will end with any real solutions to the problems they seek to fix but I do understand their frustrations. Even if there are those among them who are doing this purely out of nefarious intent.
Those seeking to escalate this situation to legitimize lethal force against them are no worse than the police officers that wish to maintain the status quo or biased journalists shaping the narrative for their own agenda. If they are not one and the same, of course.