Or a black supreme court justice, or a black senator or representative, or a black attorney general, or a black surgeon general, or a black director of Housing and Urban development, or...
lol.....then you'd have to forget where you came from. we all walk on stolen land. we slaughtered millions of native americans and to this day are racist towards them. then you'll have to forget the black slaves we stole/abducted from africa and the millions we slaughtered.
You're making a common bleeding-heart leftist argument: only da evil white man's slavery, genocide, and conquests count, but when brown people did the same things intra-racially, it's excusable.
If white men are so racist and awful, why is this the #1 show among black women? Why do many black women get so bent out of shape when white men don't want to date them (*Franchesca Ramsey*). Surely if the country was seething with racism, blacks would think race mixing was a bad idea...
It's because the show offers a complex protagonist and chooses to employ refraction in an attempt to call attention to race in politics by not focusing on it within the confines of the fictional world.
Basically, by showing a world where race isn't a thing we can see where it's a problem in the real world.
And how do you know that African Americans don't frown on marrying outside of the group?
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There were a few people who were screaming that and they got shut down fairly quickly.
Again, only a few people screamed that.
And he tried to hide his middle name ad if he were ashamed of it for some reason. Hmmm, I wonder why?
I literally never heard any controversy about his suit. If it happened it was a handful of idiots. Your'e really just grasping at straws, trying to find racism where there is none.