"Ah...Your comment about my smug arrogance was meant literally... I'll add a footnote."
You should. It's smug arrogance to assume you'll always have the black vote. This is what you and Biden both did.
"I disagree about him not joking. But I like how repubs seem to have become the PC police."
That's good to know, but you'd have to offer a basis for that. Otherwise it's reasonable to assume your position is rooted in nothing more than conjectural bias. He only back peddled after the political fallout ensued. Then was praised by the media for an apology he never made.
"So you're alleging Democrats have abused blacks for decades and still secure their votes through welfare handouts& Biden's back handed (non-joking) comment won't change that now...but him not kneeling would?"
I'm not alleging, but stating a fact. Take one look at statistics in minority neighborhoods Democrats have run for decades and you'll know this. The lives of blacks since switching to voting for Democrats in the 30s has only worsened & been devastated - not improved. Black men, like Harvard Academic, Thomas Sowell, have written dozens of books on the topic. Larry Elder, another black man, has also spoken at length about it. Shelby Steel, another black man, is another. All these black men have taken the red pill.
"cowards like... the donald? Lol"
This is a tu quoque fallacy and immaturity - Not a response.
"So if they are leaving the Dem party in droves, it remains unclear where they're going."
It's not unclear at all. They're either becoming Republicans or independents.
"Ok. I guess you're free to continue admiring trump's alleged balls."
So instead of addressing the point you just respond with immaturity. I guess that speaks for itself.
"I'm kind of unclear how "woke culture" was attempting to destroy Drew Brees(?)."
Drew Brees made a simple statement how when he see's the flag it reminds him of family who fought for freedom and was viciously attacked by the woke crowd until he apologized for it. The kneeling crowd is about the the flag representing slavery. Again, do you live under a rock?
"Actually I was assuming Trump's own combative actions in opposition to Biden's would be what cost him black voters... so Biden's motivation would be irrelevant as far as that goes."
Trump had the lowest unemployment among blacks in history. He hasn't been cost black votes,but gained them.
"No... I'm just confusing you with someone possibly British."
I live in NY.