1) Pay off Student Loans
2) Pay for a nice house for my parents
3) Donate to a LOT of churches and charities (and some small businesses)
4) Pay off National Debt
Burn it. Cause why not.
But in all honesty, like pay off all bills and debt and then pay off everyone else's debt (the money IS unlimited) so I can have peace knowing that no one owes anyone anything.
Technically all you'd do is just cheapen the value of the dollar. Someone else will find another common medium to trade for goods and services -- which is basically what capitalism is.
Well, in a way you are right. And I don't oppose the concept of money. But capitalism is always bent on making more and more money. Which I would give everyone. The point is to destroy every market at the same time with that. If people then still don't get the point that you can't be rich without others being poor and that jobs where something is actually produced or a service performed are a lot more important than those jobs that just shovel money from A to B. Banks can already just create money out of thin air with no concept of actual value behind it. They can lend out money that they don't have and can collect that money back with interest. Where is that supposed to come from? I think after a complete crash society might rethink the whole system a bit.
That seems more of a way to rethink mindsets rather than rethink capitalism. Someone will always want more of something, that's how humans are wired. Crashing an actual market with abundance would still ruin people's livelihoods.
We used to think war is just the natural state of human nature and now most countries do their best to keep the peace. I don't think capitalism is the default setting for us and maybe at some point we'll notice that it's only benefitting a few select people at the top and ruining it for 99% of the population. But - as evidenced by our current situation - we only learn when things go colossaly awry.
Donate a ton, pay off every sort of dept, pig out on food, give a ton to my family etc. there’s no point in buying anything because you only have one day left on earth.
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make my family as rich as f**k then donate money to all shelters pet shelters homeless etc my friends and random people i would do that all day long because giving feels good
1. Eat the best food possible
2. Go to other countries
3. Leave 300,000,000,000 to my friends
4. Give 800,000,000,000 to my family
5. At the end of the day, lay down in my coffin and go to sleep.