Apparently it's not. Found this gem a short bit ago:
I just read another letter from the Trump complainer complaining about Trump playing golf when he could have the "opportunity to exhibit leadership, guidance and comfort" during our country's times "of hurricanes, mass murders and more."
Well, I must say Trump had a great teacher from Obama. After the brutal beheading of American Jim Foley by Islamic terrorists, then-President Obama, gave a somber statement about the beheading then went out and played a round of golf. Even Obama said his round of golf was a "bad idea."
If you remember the August 2016 floods in Louisiana, the Coast Guard had to rescue 20,000 people and another 70,000 registered for federal disaster assistance. Where was Obama? As the Washington Times wrote, "Obama puts vacation above American people amid deadly Louisiana flooding." Obama was vacationing on Martha's Vineyard where he played at least eight rounds of golf. Great show of compassion and leadership.
Richard J. Swiss