My Aunt has been taking it for nearly a decade for her arthritis with no I'll affects and she is now in her early 70s.
Fact, the reports of only using it in a hospital setting are a big pile of BS and the heart risks have been grossly over exaggerated as they only occur in elderly people with existing heart conditions when mixed with other drugs,even at that they are rarley fatal...hell it's been FDA approved for doctors to prescribe to children with lupus.
Doctors around the world have reported it to be very effective in the early stages for treatment to stop the virus from progressing to the final/fatal of last month not one person that was treated with it progressed to the level of needing a ventilator and they recoverd, barring a study done here in the states where patients were only given the drug after being incubated and on their death beds then it was reported that it killed them.
The way I see it a drug that seems to help with little actual risk has been politically demonized because people in power/media must resist everything Trump....and no he is not going to make millions off of peddling it that's just more BS