It is not preventable, and we are not fighting the virus. The virus will not go away by itself.
The only thing being locked down accomplishes is to slow down how fast it spreads, but even then it will continue to spread and more people will become infected.
Until an "effective" vaccine is found, which could be never, or society develops herd immunity, people will continue to become infected. It supposedly took only one person who caught it to start this whole thing.
Remember, we still do not have an effective vaccine for the Ebola or AIDS virus.
Anything else you are being told is a lie.
About 80% of the cases are mild and some don't even know they had it. Of the 20% who have a more severe case, about one third require hospitalization, and less than 1% of total cases will die These numbers may be lowered as we develop better treatments or discover drugs to treat it.
The people most venerable are those with some other comorbidity, very few healthy people who contract it die.
Meanwhile, the UN has predicted that the economic downturn so far could cause an additional 2.3 million deaths worldwide due to increased starvation, suicide, drug overdoses, and people avoiding hospitals for the treatment of other illnesses.
Here are some other facts, In the US, 647,000 die each year from heart disease and 599,100 from cancer. The "common flu" for which we supposedly have "vaccines" kills 55,000 - 80,000 each year.
One last thing, it appears that countries that have a high instance of malaria seem to have fewer cases of the Chinese Virus. Scientists think this may have something to do with more people already taking quinoline based drugs like chloroquine sulfate and Hydroxychloroquine.