So what if she's not a fan of vaccines, shes still got just as much field experience as Fauci. Who trained at the College Of The Holy Cross. Fauci was first in his class. So what? you should be careful of those dodgy high achievers in class ones, they'll do anything to get ahead. lol
Actually a few days ago she said claimed to know how to create safe vaccines with no toxic adjuvants. Her idea to drop purified viruses into the gut sounds just as insane as regular vaccines, but it shows she's not anti the whole thing.
i personally believe that if you have training REAL training at university, studied in the field, worked in a real lab. You should be allowed to express your opinions, if she's anti vaccine or not. Regardless if she's right or not.
Absolutely. I just added that info cause I heard it very recently and some people are well-trained to shut off their brains if anyone says anti-vaxx, so I also hope people will listen to her and judge for themselves.