And your comment is dumberer. 'Your side' only uses facts when it's convenient, and likes to switch their position about them for the same convenience. What does that tell us? No core beliefs, no foundation upon which views are formed, or *facts* reported. The only core value 'your side' has is orangemanbad, and to be opposed to anything Trump is for, and for anything Trump is against. Problem with that for 'your side' is that Trump knows this. You guys would like to believe he's stupid, and ignorant, but he's not. It's your undoing.
For example, a short time ago, the media, which even a dim bulb like you would have to admit is almost entirely on 'your side' was criticizing Trump for not enforcing a national shelter in place order. Of course, these are the same dim bulbs who call him a Nazi, a xenophobe, etc, when he does anything they don't like. So what dd Trump do? He played 'your side' for the dim witted snowflakes that you are, and said it would be him, and only him, with all the power, who would decide when to reopen the economy.
As anyone with two brains cells to rub together would have predicted (which of course, leaves 'your side' in the dark), the media attacked him in a 100% predictable manner. Let me connect the dots for you, since you probably can't on your own. He flipped the narrative. He exposed them as duplicitous, AND he had the media advocating what had been his position all along, which is all this is the states' responsibility. The feds only issue guidelines.
What I find amazing, and amusing, and fun to use against fact-barren snowflakes like you is how you're utterly in the dark about what he's doing to you. How he exposes you. How he uses you. You think he's not smart enough to change the way he communicates, ya know, to communicate 'gooder' so all you snowflakes will not hate him so much, but why should he? It's working quite well now. He's pulling the strings, and you're too ignorant to figure it out. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.