The so-called Tea Party was a Koch Bros created, financed, and otherwise supported organization. They even bussed in people to their demonstrations. Once they pulled the plug, the fake party went gone.
You truly never heard of the do-nothing Congress from 2011 till, well, now? McConnel has some 400 Bills and counting on his desk which he won't let anyone in the Senate look at, let alone brought to a vote.
There is no comparison. Democrats are nothing more than Republican lite, GOP lackeys. Sheesh, early 2019 they offered Trump $1.65 billion for the wall, after 2 years of his own party at the helm offered him $0.
The Impeachment was a sham, never intended to remove Trump. Pelosi only caved in to proceed after immense pressure from the base, and her rushed bungling of it is NOT due to ineptness. It was designed to fail.
10 counts of obstruction of justice in the shelved Mueller Report, Emoluments Clause violations, nepotism, secret meetings with hostile enemies (Putin, Kim) and whatever else have curiously managed to be ignored by the Dems. That's not by accident.