Overall, I hate parties. I'm never at my best when surrounded by many people. Of course, and this is something people don't know about me, but I do have a kind of fear towards humans, also as result of mistreatment and misunderstanding I've endured as a kid. Now I do have friends... a few, but still, and I've even had sexual partners, but I do need examine people a bit, and when I meet people for the first time I am mostly at my worst. If you don't believe a white guy, raised as a Christian (although I have my own philosophies about religion now), heterosexual, is never target of prejudice, then I got a nice story for ya.... It's called "my experiences of life". As I am a brilliant actor, so brilliant that I can even fool myself, and that I am even aware of the fact that I unwittingly throw up an act all the time so good I should have more Oscar nominations than Meryl Streep, by now for doing that all the time. I guess acting in real live is not as much appreciated as acting on the silver screen.
Also I am oversensitive to light and sound. When people all talk straight through another I'll get nuts, UNLESS I can find a partner to have a conversation with so I can block all other people out of my mind. Music that is too loud can get me crazy, as well...
Due to all this, I'm quite uneasy on parties.