Yeah, It wasn't a national emergency until 1,000 Americans were dead when it was your guy in office
Trump attempted to restrict travel over a month ago, You raging Anti-Trumpers called him racist.
171 dead , 24/7 reports, Schools closed, National guard deployed, But Orangemanbad.
Trump can't stop stupid, You're a prime example.
What should Trump do.. Declare Martial law, You unhinged Anti-Trumpers would be screaming he's destroying the constitution.
You raging Anti-Trumpers will bitch no matter what he does
Tell me WTF you raging Anti-Trumpers want him to do about a virus, Pull a vaccine out of your ass? He can't, Your head is in the way.
You have no solutions to this crisis, Your hate and talking points are all you have.
A deadly virus is a deadly virus, But don't let that stop you from making an ass of yourself.
You don't want to compare Obama's non-response to Trump's response, It destroys your talking points. And shows you're a hypocrite.
Lying, Deflection, Whataboutism, Dismissive attitude and Arrogance Your the master of it, Hence you're one of the most despised users in the political stream, And why your comments are constantly downvoted.