"Democrat" is a stretch; honestly she's better thought of as a DINO
Overall, she's a hotheaded who relishes picking fights with other Democrats (esp. HRC) on social media and in the press, believes herself to be a victim of a DNC conspiracy, and basically ran a Twitter campaign
She voted "present" on impeachment https://reason.com/2019/12/18/tulsi-gabbard-impeachment-present-vote-trump/
The only thing I've found welcome is when she speaks out against "regime change wars," but even then, her head isn't exactly in the right place. Her talking points are a few years out of date, and she is a little too comfortable running interference for dictators. Overall, I think she'd be pretty disastrous from a foreign policy perspective https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tulsi-gabbard-regime-change-wars_n_5da68baee4b02253a2fa51b0
Does anyone even know what she'd do on domestic policy? I don't.
Sorry but Tulsi is not really the type of candidate Democrats go for, which is why she never cracked more than 1%
Total object of fascination for the Right though