I'm not an expert on the subject, nor have I taken a class on it, but someone here called such laws as a product of arbitration. I don't know what s/he believes, or why s/he believes that, but to me they're called Laws for a reason. And it had nothing to do with flippant labeling.
The reason why it is called Laws or Laws of Nature is because unless it is acted upon by another force, it will always... act in accordance to its nature. Mind you, nature doesn't mean a spiritual entity, either personal or impersonal, but is simply a natural... order of things.
So an apple, unless is intercepted by another equally strong force (or greater) will always... fall to the ground because of gravity, another natural law, All of the examples I've used is in relations to Newton's 3 Laws of Motion.
Now to finally answer the question: can it be posssible to break the laws of nature? No, it is never possible for ordinary human beings to break the laws of physics.
And the only ones who can, is, God.