I wouldn't call it misogyny... Yet, I cannot deny that when it comes to sexualizing in advertisements there is a bit of a double standard, although I have already seen some commercials where men are shown as much sexualised as women... It is a minority, but you gotta start somewhere...
What I have heard from the editor of a magazine with naked girls, is that men are apparently easier to influence with girls than the other way around. He also said he did try a magazine with naked boys for a female audience, only to find out that most of those magazines were not bought by women, but by homosexual guys. In the end it's all about money, and if sexy women lead to higher sales were sexy guys do not, then that tells us something... Sexist? Hmm, rather commercial thinking without any kind of remorse.
KungFuCutBug may have hit another nail on its head... Of course, this makes me also wonder about the clients... If women's clothing are more sexually designed, it must mean that woman would sooner buy that, or else the industry wouldn't create it... After all creating stuff there are no clients for is not commercially a smart move....
It's always multiple factors...