Just about any job that doesn't require identical repetition can be done better by humans.
For all the rest of the jobs then yes maybe you can design a robot to do it more uniformly and consistently.
The more important thing to remember is that it is still a long way off until the robot can do all the things required prior to say cooking a bowl of noodles. It's going to be even longer than that if you require plate presentation with garnishes and multiple side add ons on the same plate. And you will still need humans to order, replenish and prepare the food into suitable shapes for said robots to process. Not to mention what might be required after that.
The robots are a long way off before they complete all the tasks involved in producing a plate of food. Until then there will be people required for everything else and even when they can do everything, then the cost of these robot will need to be low enough to make it offer any benefit to use them. A million dollar robot to make an $10 plate of food means a lot of plates and that is before you have to maintain the thing.
For novelty purposes they are great but no one has to worry too hard about their jobs going to a robot unless that job is so simple that even a robot could do it Hahaha. Automation robots will be what most robots are when used in an employment situation of which they will be a part of things not everything.
They may well find best use in areas where it is hard to find and keep employees.