Trump sure talks and acts like one though, has attempted to rule by decree - heck, even by Tweeter!
He refers to the Military as his, has made the US AG his, has made the GOP & thus Senate his, is making the Supreme and lower Courts his, has a revolving door of staff gone to prison, illegally transferred Military budget to build the wall, has used the Office for profiting off his business instead of divesting from it, has used promised aid to try to coerce another nation into digging up dirt on a poitical oponent, has threatened to arrest political opponents, has threated to pull the FCC license of media companies for not praising him, has torn up treaties and threatened to do more, sideline our longterm allies while coddling actual communist and other dictators, secret meetings with Putin, offered to turn over FBI files and also 2 American diplomats to Putin for interrogation, doen what he can to sideline noraml gov't functions, openly stated he can do what he want as President...
What did Obama do, something something in Benghazi which those complaining about have no idea what it is they claim he did?