well,then you are not the people we are discussing.
because THOSE people,who had voted for both Obama and trump got f**ked hard in the ass.
it amazes me how some people are so entrenched in their own tiny worlds,their own limited and small habitats,somehow feel compelled to defend..what? exactly?
I have stated this before mike,i am gladdened things are going well for you and I hope you have many years to come but to disregard,either willingly or blindly,the struggles of many communities across this nation due to the utter failure of our political class over the extremely...callous,and kind of cruel.
this is not about trump.
I know it is to YOU,which is why you swoop in every time and vomit those irritating talking points..
1.record low unemployment
-but let's not delve too deep in that actual statistics,because it may shatter our deep held preconception.
2.record high stock market
-yeah,agreed,but let's not look too far into the reasons why that is,and who is ultimately paying the price (it's are paying the price). foreign trade deals to benefit the USA
- let's never revisit this to see the consequences,because that is the dark and shadowy place of scary stuff.*hint:it is a f**king horror show,and has pushed china,russia and iran to form their own trade routes,including currency trading .that's bad mike,real bad for the US.even parts of Europe are breaking away from US interests!
and did you just cheerlead NAFTA-lite? yeesh mike...
4.reduced regulation
-let's ignore who that benefits the most,by is a great soundbyte
5.hillary-free executive branch
-ok,you got me there.that is totally a good thing.
this is not a trump issue.
this is a systematic political breakdown issue,and many americans are suffering immensely.
and trump ain't helping them.he has consistently benefitted the elites and the corporate class.
what you are basically doing is teabagging the poor of this country,pissing all over them and calling it rain.
please....just are a better man than this..i know it!