Also, the comment, "I wouldn't want them to wait" is a problem. It's a double standard and helps split the country further. What's good for one side is good for the other. Reap what you sow.
It's my opinion that you give Mitch too little credit in the hypocrisy department. I think he would simply come up with a new standard and announce it to the media with a smile on his face.
Mitch already said the McConnell Rule was a mistake and he wouldn't do it again (albeit a little too late).
And since the Democrats basically function as Republican light - so eager to compromise for the sake of sowing good will for the future - they'll make some token noise, then cave in faster than Schumer did on DACA in 2017 when he had Congress by the nuts.
I'd say yes it is good for mothers to raise their own children and not leave it to strangers, but you can keep the home and not be there every minute. So no, the Bible says nothing against women working outside the home.