Courtest of the internet:
It seems that Mr. Vindman is now on his way to join the pantheon of heroic prog-martyrs, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Christine Blasey Ford, Jussie Smollett, and others.
Let me respond with this prepared, prog-off statement:
As another immigrant from Soviet Ukraine: Vindman, you're a windbag. I shouldn't even call you a fellow immigrant. You were brought to the US by your dad with a cushy refugee status and government assistance, living among welfare sponges on Brighton Beach. You didn't know the hardships of living in the USSR, you didn't make a conscious decision to move here, and you never struggled to feed a family as an immigrant, left to your own devices, like I have. Your sanctimonious, manipulative drivel about being an "immigrant" made me sick to my stomach.
Let me yield the floor to Tim Kennedy, UFC Fighter, Ranger, sniper, and Special Forces Operator:
Correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is a sure way to make everyone in the military think you are a douche bag.
Whatever good your service may have done to this nation in the past, is now being negated tenfold by the harm you're doing by participating in a coup against the duly elected president, by undermining his foreign policy, and by appearing before the cameras to read the scripts written for you by treacherous, power-hungry liars.
Lieutenant colonel, shmieutenat scmolonel."
People are coming out now saying he was not trusted, and bad-mouthed America to Russians. However that is hearsay.
What is not hearsay is that "Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the "family" of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which they said has ties to the U.S. Democratic Party."
More food for thought: