No, they're not benefitting from the presidency one bit are they??? Haw haw haw. We all know Hunter Biden is the biggest threat to our security, right? haw haw.
what I find so interesting is how brash and brazen trump is.just by his actions he is revealing just how rotten and fetid the swamps is.
is he "draining the swamp"? even close.
he is just installing his own swamp creatures loyal to him.
but the boldness.....
it is astounding.
and I think many americans are beginning to take notice.
not his base,obviously.they adore him.
Thank you for that, Enoch! Often I’ll just give them one chance to demonstrate whether they have rational thinking skills or not. Then when it becomes apparent that they’re just spitting back the lines that Tucker, Sean and Rush fed to them, I disengage. But I do sometimes forget that once they’ve left the firing range and turned off cable news, they’re off to ironing their brown shirts and shining up their jack boots, getting ready for battle. This was a sobering reminder.
All this talk of Nazis is sickening. Trump and his kids, and his supporters, have done NOTHING even close to what the Nazis did, not even some of the "relatively" tame stuff the Nazis did. To feebly attempt to make these comparisons only minimizes the evil that the Nazis were, and the evil that they did.
Name one thing Trump has done that even comes close to something like 'The Night of the Long Knives' and then we could have a rational conversation. But you can't, so we can't.