Maybe a tiny bit absurd to claim that's it's making them /actual/ neo-nazis, but the far left push IS making some of those who are more strongly conservative buckle down, dig their feet in, and take a more hardline right wing stance.
Eg, some of those who said "build the wall so that only those trying to immigrate legally can get in, and they'll be welcomed" might now be saying "just build the wall and keep them ALL out!"
It's just like feminism, with their claims of "misogyny everywhere", that winds up directly /creating/ more misogyny. When a woman spits in your face and calls you "rape-apologizing, incest supporting, wife-beating, patriarchal scum" just because you're trying to attend a speech by Dr. Warren Farrell (one of the most inoffensive men you'll ever see) at a men's rights and suicide support event, odds are good you're going to develop some hatred that wasn't there before.