"Other difference is that King George ruled over colonies. We became the US later. King George didn’t rule the United States of America."
As expected the point flew /well/ over your head. My point was, and let me dumb it down for you, that Hitler was in charge of the Third Reich(Deutsches Reich), not the Federal Republic of Germany. Two different entities. The colonies of America were lead, atleast legally, by the King of England. Does that mean because the precursor state of the USA was lead by King George that he was an American ledear?
"holding the same post Merkel now holds."
Well yes, actually no, The position of Reichkanzler is vastly less/more powerful (Depending on era). Besides Merkel is not Reichskanzler, she is Bundeskanzlerin.
Its like compairing the President of the US and the President of the Kongo, same title, different powers and very little to do with one another
But I wouldn't expect you to understand all this.