The reason people bring those things up is not to COMPARE but rather make the point that the manner in which people die, not the fact that they died seems important. No one is seriously saying let's take knives, cars, alcohol, etc... If they are serious in that then yes, they are idiots. But you seem intelligent. I am surprised you don't what the actual intent is behind that. But I digress....
I am not speaking on the second amendment. THAT is irrelevant. Because interpretation is subjective in these arguments. So not gonna even talk about that.
And two, That is also irrelevant.
You avoided the question again. I want to be clear in what I am asking. Say that today they decided that no one could own a firearm other than police, military, or security personnel. And I mean NO GUNS EXIST out side of that. (I know it's a stretch, but bear with me here...) And you get crazies out here setting off bombs, or going on stabbing sprees. How do we address the problem at that point? I know you want to come back at me with exactly the same things you usually, but I honestly would like you to think on that. How would we address mass killings in the absence of fire arms? What would we do? How would you like to see it handled? Thoughtful discussion here. And no, this isn't a trap.