Why does the sun light up earth but leave space pitch black? If the moon is in space, How come there is a blue sky behind it? How come you can see planes cross in front of the moon, But you can't see satellites do the same? How come aeroplanes fly directly forwards instead of over a curve; they are called aero-PLANES, Not aero-spheres because they might travel over a flat plane. The UN flag depicts a flat earth, So our world leaders are flat-earthers. Lake Baikal in Siberia is over 400 miles long, So when frozen the curvature should add over 20 miles, Yet it is one of the flattest places on earth. If a helicopter hovers on the spot without moving for several hours, How come it lands in the same position when the earth is supposed to be rotating? NASA in Hebrew means 'to deceive'. You can see reflections on a flat surface, But they can't happen on a curve. If the sun is travelling fast through space, How come it doesn't have a tail like comets?