That is a problem oct. Transgenderism should be treated like a mental disorder, not legitimized by the mainstream. That is killing kids and ruining their lifes.
Just a question, why is incest illegal but same sex marriage is not?
I believe moral law is an unwritten knowledge in the human heart put there by God and formed (Ill formed or formed well formed )by society. There is also a spiritual or psychological harm that can come from wrong choices. i.e. sin and it's consequences. But I'm sure since you're an Athiest you wouldn't believe in that.
That isnt the logic that was used when it wasnt socially acceptable. What people said was that love is love. Incest is love too. I think it is ridiculous that states can ban incest but not ssm. Marriage isnt a right. It is the state recognizing it. If most people dont think it is legitimate, why does the state have to recognize it. It is immoral and wrong people say. Same argument with incest. Not to mention it increases the risk of AIDs like incest increases the risk of defects in the child
The transgender suicide rate is 40%, 40%! That is a huge problem. When MSM pushes that it is fine, NO! It is a delusion! It is harmful. Like schizophrenia. You dont tell a schizophrenic who thinks he is the President that he is the President. That makes his delusion worse.
That's a debate I can have. It is pretty unfair and over all I support same sex marriage. But, if a state can outlaw incest, it just doesn't seen suspicious.
Schizophrenia is not always harmful either.
It actually was a mental disorder in the DSM books until recently which makes me wonder what other illnesses they are going to decide is normal, anorexia?
2 ups, 6y,
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You act like I automatically hate gays just because I don't personally support same-sex marriage. That is drivel.
I’m a liberal and I love Chik fil A. The point of this meme is that stupid things offend liberals, and the point of the comment is th show that some stupid things also offend conservatives. You knew very well that some liberals still love chik fil a. Octavio also very well knew it was a joke, and only defended his point when confronted. We didn’t take it literally, you don’t do the same
Hope u arent offended with the Fudge packer word, I had to use it to make the meme, Archie would never say "gay" . was going for the effect, its all about the meme.. ill will intended , just bad
My one buddy always tells this joke
"How can you tell a guy is gay? by the way he kisses" lol
He isnt gay, but if he was, he would still be a funny guy.. (funny ha ha, not funny gay, or would he?) I dunno lol.. jk