Hey Mitchhitch,I'm NOT your buddy- do you really imagine that the vindictive creep Trump,who specializes in threats & blackmail, & who is backed by Putin The Poisoner,who also has access to Trump's BUDDY pedo pimp Jeffrey Epstein's tapes of influential men doing things they shouldnt ,couldn't shut Mueller up?
Maybe Mueller doesn't want polonium on his pasta the next time he eats out in DC!
Maybe he doesn't want to be fired as two FBI directors were.
Trump is a despot who has censored everyone!
Even the EPA & CDC!
Accusations of TDS are more appropriate for those who mindlessly worship Trump. Have you ever SEEN the man when he wasn't hustling for the camera?
I have.
Do you know anyone who has had personal contact with him? I do.
Yes,I freely admit that he scares the crap out of me; if you knew what I do,you'd be terrified too!