The begging makes kindly old Grannies & Mama's who haven't forgotten what it's lije to be young & need validation feel terrible. Guess that's why they do it! Like kubra_kiel I have no problem w/reposts. Nor do I consider it a terrible sin to post under the wrong stream,or to have a political opinion or affiliation I don't share. Freedom of speech is in enough trouble. We need to be fair to each other-because if we dont,no one else is going to do it for us! I haven't flagged anyone or downvoted anyone,even if I find their meme offensive. Again,freedom of speech overrides personal tastes. All I can tell folks looking for validation is that very few will find it on a meme generating website! Those who need approval a support group;they are lovely for wrapping a soul in need of encouragement in a warm blankie of fellowship.