Well, segways came first for old people until the company was losing too much money it decided to sell it to anyone instead. Heelies came after since the segway was the invention before the 1990s birth of heelies.
But meanwhile, hoverboards are so stupid they lie about being able to hover since the only reason why it's named like that was due to someone saying "It felt like you were hovering." Heelies gave the idea since they were a cheaper alternative to the skates and when hoverboards came with a small price of $50 compared to segway costs from $500 it was easy to boom and despite being slower than a segway it successfully lived a long time while segways are about to be able to go up to 13 miles(21 km) an hour for the battery life of 3 hours than the hoverboard's measly top speed of 6 miles(9.5km) an hour on a battery less than an hour.