Yeah. Idk. I like to think there is gold in everyone. Even Trumpistanians. But they are making it very hard.
Still, while your Argument has merit let me counter it with: If we don't talk with the then Democracy is essentially dead. Sure some people like IHateDemocrats will probably not be swayed but I belive their are Right Wing supporters who are aprochable. RedBaron was surprisingly aprochable in disscusions for example. (Meaning he offered actual Arguments and did not stoop down to insult me)"
It's a psychological fact that people in general tend to never be swayed by arguments not consistent with what they already choose to believe. It's basic human nature.
People like RedBarron, SydneyB, Deadboxprime, Norsegreen, Pasclean, Spurs, others (I'm messing up name spellings here, so sorry), are approachable if you're open to hearing things from another angle.
But Representative Democracy has always been a farce in the USA, we have a 1 party system pretending to be 2, and Trump is just a symptom, rather than the cause, of where it has been going. We've been in decline for half a century, we're over, just haven't realized it yet. We're the big tree with big dead limbs lower down, but still green towards the top. If the economy is still doing well next year, Trump will get reelected because people don't like to think, especially here in America. If anything, his election has proven the international stereotype of us is valid. That can't be changed with respectful conversation.