What the government really need to do is illegalize insurance/medicare/etc... completely, those are simply ponzi schemes on a massive scale if you really think about.
For example, say you have minor surgery on an ingrown toe nail:
- surgical fee (what you pay for the service like any service)
That shouldn't cost much, but.... you have to pay for:
- Your insurance: the company, the agent, the secretary who works at the insurance company, etc...
- Doctor/hospital insurance: so they can cover their butts, the insurance company, agents, secretary, etc...
- the insurance itself: which you pay for regularly, despite the fact you may not need it.
Car insurance: good driver paying for bad drivers
Medical insurance: healthy people paying for unhealthy people. Now this might not be that bad, if you're altruistic. However, why should you pay for junkies? Or people who are reckless? Or say against moral issues such as abortion you may not support?
If you pay for your own medical service like any other service, it wouldn't actually cost that much.
An ingrown toe nail operation in South Korea in a single doctor practice, cost $15 USD. It is a minor surgery and so a minor cost. You'll probably have to spend another $15 on pain medication and antibiotics.
Does that sound reasonable?
In contrast, a student attending a USA east coast university are required to get certain vaccinations. One of the vaccination is 3 shots. He goes to a hospital for 1 shot. The doctor charges $500 for the shot and the hospital charges another $500 b/c the doctor is "contracted by the hospital" and not an employee. Btw, this is a real case happened to a friend of mine. That's $1000 for 1 shot, $3000 for 3 shots to complete the vaccine.
Do you know how much the actual vaccination cost? $15 a shot. He knows b/c the school later arranged with a local clinic to help vaccinate students who can't afford it as a nonprofit charity. It is $15 a shot without insurance ponzi scheme.
Share the word, we have to stop this nonsense.