while I am pleasantly surprised you responded,i have to point out that your counterpoint is innocently misleading at best,intentionally at worst.
there is a disturbing trend amongst people on both the extreme right and extreme left to manipulate news,and situations to conform to their own,narrow bias.
this is leading to a radicalization of certain portions of our society.the yall have their reasons,and many of those reasons are understandable when taken in context.however,they always have one thing in common:
they are usually uneducated or under-educated,and therefore easily coerced or duped into buying in to a certain radical (left or right) political philosophy.
you are free to disagree with ilhad omar,but to perpetuate the smear campaign,based on half truths,twsited perspectives and outright lies.
does you and anybody who listens a disservice.
so I stand by my original comment.
and all I can ask is that you stop being a muppet,and start educating yourself vigorously.
otherwise you will just be prey to the demagogues and agenda-driven political class.don;t be their tool my friend.break those chains.