There did use to be someone with the account [deleted] but it was spaced out so that it would be accepted as a screen name. Not sure what happened to them
I think that you can change your username - at least one time - by editing your profile page. But you might want to add that as a tagline on your homepage - 'the artist formerly known as -"
Thanks for taking the time to post that bro!
Unfortunately I changed it the first day and didn’t realise could only be done once.
I shall embrace Jesus in cheese form, for now.
Once again appreciate the help.
Thankyou! I had seen that image of Jesus and the junky previously - and knew that it would make a great meme... And while seaching for - I came across the Demotivatiinal version (even funnier) - and the two others... Serendipity. Of course it was my notice of the mis-spelling that made it all come together, in my mind.
whom is used when there is a preposition; "To Whom, From Whom, By Whom." It's used when a person is an object in the sentence instead of the subject. As in, "With whom are you going to the dance?" "You" is the subject, "going" is the verb, "whom" is an object in the sentence.
Yes, and in this case, ‘that’ is the preposition! My trick is to replace ‘whom’ with ‘him’, to see which sounds better (he or him) because it’s the same difference.
"That" is not a preposition. Prepositions are words like to, from, above, below, with, around, like, through, under, over, beyond, within, against. He/Him is not the same as Who/Whom