It's funny that you think MarshalTennerWinter & MiniApplels are digging their graves-when I think YOU are helping to promote a divisive, destructive way of thinking that will send humanity merrily marching to our doom faster than need be. You are helping to dig our graves,and you're actually irritated that we won't obligingly lay down in it as you shovel dirt on top of us!
We think beyond borders,which are man made imaginary concepts-much like currency is. You know,those little pieces of paper & those electronic numbers we are killing each other & the planet for?? You demonize Democrats because you fear we might use your precious money to keep our people & planet reasonably functional instead of letting the two fisted grabbing go on forever.
The problem with your approach is that it's a short cut to that cliff that lemmings tumble over as they try to follow ancestral paths that are now underwater.
Humanity cannot continue to live the way we began to live after the industrial revolution.
We have to find a way to make our presence less disruptive to the environment if we hope to continue living in it.
You have to know that!
Unless you really think we can drink fracking solvents & eat when crops keep failing because the heat stresses drop yields & the bees are dying? Trump represents a way of doing things that is outmoded & corrupt. He's also a traitor who has serious mental instability. Putin wanted him here to do EXACTLY what he's doing to America-destabilizing it. You know that too. Mocking us for speaking up is useless. We read more than memes.