Here's the link to story regarding the video and the Benghazi attack.
If you don't know examples of the negative info sent out by Russians, you clearly have not been paying attention.
Saying you have clear examples of how Trump won because you drove out of town and saw a lot of Trump signs and very few Hillary signs, I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.
What climate change has to do with this, is that individuals reporting how cold it is in their back yards, is the very same kind of ignorant generalizations as you made on your trip out of town, to another town!
Sorry, you are simply wrong in your assessment of Benghazi. You don't even have all the facts of Benghazi yet are still determined Hillary is at fault and did something terrible to cause people to die. A gut instinct isn't proof of anything.
Bottom line, even if it was a planned attack and the Dems thought it was due to a video, what the hell difference does that make in anything? How does that matter? You do know that it was the Republican controlled congress that cut funding for protection at the embassy, right?