You're not wrong - if he did do something illegal, then it is an issue. But influencing elections in itself is neither new nor really that alarming. It's something that has happened ever since communication across the sea became easy and quick. Why we're flipping shit over Russia when the EU interferes just as heavily is beyond me. Not to mention our own interference in the elections of other nations. Until evidence emerges that american votes were directly changed by a foreign power(as in hacked or some other form of change after the fact), it's all hypocritical nonsense. If the Russians present ideas and voting Americans decide they like those ideas and vote for them, that is NOT WRONG. Exchange of ideas is what brought human civilization forward from the stone age. Or should we likewise ban the importation of ideas from Scandinavia or Western Europe? How about Asia? South America? For some historical context, it was the europeans that first started to abolish the slave trade. Had abolitionist ideas been immediately denounced upon arrival on our shores as "foreign interference" would the nation be a better place or worse?