I totally agree with you on every point. The problem that many girls scream about "fat shaming" even when you ARE polite, and most of those don't see the double standard in shaming guys who are short, or have "neckbeards", or have small dicks... all of which are genetic and they have no control over. (Barring shaving, for the neckbeards). On top of that, to many of them, fat shaming /men/ is still okay.
Yes a lot of "undesirable" men have similar double-standards, with one major difference; they may want the skinny girl with big boobs who accepts them just the way they are, but they realize that they can't /demand/ to have one. They know if they want to be considered "worthy", they have to work on themselves, or become rich, which makes up for most of those other shortcomings. (But they better make sure to get a fidelity prenup).