While I agree that the preaching of only Damnation is generally insufficient (John 1:17), and the kind of preaching the Westboro Baptists use certainly is hidious, disgraceful, and deplorable (Proverbs 19:29). At the same time, Hell does exist and the Bible is very clear what deeds are sinful, therefore, damnable.
People often see Jesus as the loving shephard, and so He is. Yet more than anyone in the NT, He spoke on Hell. Thus, while we should not fail in showing grace, love, and treat all with equity regardless of who they are, what they believe, it is also loving to warn them of the coming judgment that must come (Psalms 136:1, Exodus 34:6-7 & Romans 1:18-32).
And that the way out of eternal damnation is to repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior (Mark 1:15 & John 14:6). To me, merely to show love, without warning them of death, is the very opposite of.
So, I want to be sure of something, do you oppose Christians who include damnation in their preaching?