No, I didn't, fool, That's your feeble brain ignoring everything you don't want to believe.
Fact... Bush is POTUS ISIS doesn't exist, Obama becomes POTUS ISIS rises, Obama calls them JV, Tells the world ISIS needs jobs and goes golfing. Trump wins, Pushes back ISIS is all but wiped out.
You'll say anything to give Obama credit, "But you didn't build that" .
I give credit where it's due. Obama created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq against the advice of everyone around him, All hail King Obama The creator of ISIS. I'll bet you're drooling all over yourself.
You are by far one of the dumbest, Most obnoxious, Childish whiners I've ever come across. You pretend to be so smart using insults to drive your ridiculous twisted narrative & to try to control every debate, Tools of a weak minded fool.
You've made a name for yourself here on Imgflip,In your mind it's Einstein, Winner of debates, In reality it's, Whining fool, Slinger of childish insults, Creator of bad Memes, And Champion of failed President Obama. Enjoy your fame.