"I'm sure every president for the past five or six decades has ordered military strikes that accidentally killed civilians. You're comparing apples and oranges"
Not apples and oranges. The Left was outraged over Bush's wars and drone strikes for 8years, then when Obama came into office and pretty much continued Bush's Foreign policy, the vast majority of them were silent and didn't say a word. If they really care about the lives of children so dam much, why wasn't there any outrage and wall to wall coverage when Obama was authorizing drone strikes that were killing entire families with children? Was it OK to launch unconstitutional military actions as long as a democrat was in charge? Was it OK to annihilate and separate families into pieces, as long as they were Muslims? And what about Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki? The a 16-year-old American citizen who was killed by a drone strike and Obama's press secretary at the time basically shrugged his shoulders and said the the kid should have had a better father. If one of Trump's people would have said that all hell would have broken loose, and the left would have lost their minds. Yet most of the left were so pissed when Trump just wanted to ban some Muslims from traveling here, but it was OK for Obama to bomb them?
"that accidentally killed civilians"
It was no accident, you obviously never saw the "Baghdad airstrike video" that Wikileaks released some years back. we have no business being the worlds police and most administrations just saw these people as collateral damage, Obama was no different. most of the left (and many on the right) are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.