I'm familiar with Jimmy Dore. Not a regular viewer by any means, but I'm familiar with him.
The US government has a long tradition of putting the screws to journalists. Look at the sedition act 100 years ago. My generation heard the resounding call of Nixon's Enemies List, which had 61 journalists and newspapers on it. (master list, organized by fields) He also had 22 members of academia on there, as well as business people, politicos, celebs (Arnold Palmer, the golfer, headed his short list) A good politician will actually work WITH the media, but today's polarized press corps makes it difficult.
As a journalist, Assange failed to inform the public in a timely manner, and his method of doing so made me lose a lot of respect for him.
Since Trump's election, even before that, there's been talk of his impeachment. Likewise, the country has become more polarized as well. Had Bernie gotten the nomination, I think a lot of things would have calmed down, and even those that did not support him could live with the decision.